Sunday, June 22


We Din't Start The Fire?

No offenses haha:)

Be a Test-vivor

Saturday, June 21

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Hey ppl whassup!

The sky's up of course and thats one less thing to be sad about so be happy. Don't be like chicken little and wonder when it will fall. Its still up there isn't it? I know everyone's mugging for the MYE's and u might think its impossible. But Adidas is right, nothing is impossible so hold your heads up high and walk in and out of the exam venue with confidence that u have done your best and will do well. Believe in yourself and you will do it because u can!

There's always something to smile about :

So come back here when you're feeling low abt MYE's and smile at this little kitty over here. Rmb, always look on the bright side of life.

Now here's a famous quote:

Belive in your capabilities and nothing can shake you cos tests and exams are just things that go by but the stuff u learn as u go along is the thing that counts so just study and do ur best and then u heck care the rest!

Hans Chung
1991 - unknown (at least 2099:)

Lots of love and luck for u guys

Friday, June 13

Titian Minda
Mohammad Rifdi bin Mohamed Anwar Ersalle of 08S51 was selected to represent Singapore in Titian Minda, the annual debate between Singapore and Brunei Darussalam from 19 June to 27 June 2008. Congratulations.

wow cool!

Saturday, June 7

Now, where were we?

Just some random pictures of the class!